The first PostgreSQL pet of the week is with Ozzy the ginger cat and his manager Federico Campoli.
Ozzy is a ginger stray cat born around the 15th May 2019. He was adopted by the end of July 2019.
Tell us about your pet
Ozzy is a ginger cat born around the 15th May 2019. We don’t know the exact date of birth because we got him from a cat shelter and we adopted him by the end of July 2019. Like any ginger cat he comes with a peculiar temper. He’s very sweet most of the time but there are moments when he becomes hypercharged, wreaking havoc all around until he gets the attention he deserves.
How did you choose him?
We didn’t. I went with my partner to the cat shelter just to have a look around. It was full of kittens most of them already adopted. Then my partner pointed me to a room with freshly rescued kittens where we spotted this small kitten frightened sitting in a corner. As soon as I held him he started purring to me, then he climbed on my shoulder…. and the next thing I remember is me signing the adoption form 🤣.
Does he help you with PostgreSQL?
Since the beginning Ozzy used to sleep on a PostgreSQL t-shirt. Every now and then he tries to catch the Slony plush sitting on my library. Also he likes to cheer me up when I run through query performance tuning by sitting an purring on my desk, near the monitor or under the laptop stand.
Tell us about the daily routine
I usually get the wake up call at 5 am. My partner gives Ozzy the food and then when both of us are awake he wants to play. Sometimes he runs around asking for attention despite the fact I need to work. Often he just sits on the cat tree I’ve put behing me and checks I’m doing a proper job.
How did you choose the name?
We evaluated several possibilities, then we thought about the legend that ginger cats are evil. I thought “What about Ozzy? He could be the cutest prince of darkness.” Interestingly after adopting Ozzy I felt the need to resume my path on learning the guitar. I’m a Jazz guitar player but Ozzy loves to listen and gives me good feedback on the quality of my play. He also checks I’m doing a proper setup to my guitars.
Anything else you like to add?
Please adopt, don’t buy. There is plenty of lovely pets waiting for somebody to love them.